• Walk To Get Fit

    As one of the simplest exercises, walking requires no equipment except for a good, supportive pair of walking shoes. Exercise physiologist Julia Valentour says, "Exercise doesn't have to be hard to be effective".

  • Getting Teenagers Walking

    Getting children walking from a young age is an investment for life, developing road awareness in time for independent walking as a teenager and creating good habits for an active life as an adult.

  • Walking for fun

    Walking, as well as being one of the cheapest ways of getting around, is also the smartest for our planet. You won't leave a carbon footprint, just your own.

  • A walk in the park

    Walking, as well as being one of the cheapest ways of getting around, is also the smartest for our planet. You won't leave a carbon footprint, just your own.

Turn Your Walk into a Workout

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As one of the simplest exercises, walking requires no equipment except for a good, supportive pair of walking shoes. Exercise physiologist Julia Valentour says, "Exercise doesn't have to be hard to be effective. The recommended 30 minutes can be broken up into two 15-minute sessions or even three 10-minute sessions, making it easy to weave into a busy lifestyle."

Weight loss isn't the only benefit of a walking program. Regular walking helps lower cholesterol, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, increases bone strength, and improves circulation.

You don't have to walk all at once. You can split it up. It's fine to walk in blocks of 10 minutes or more at a time. If you use a pedometer, you might be surprised to see how many steps you take by simply doing chores and errands or by taking walking breaks during the day.

says Timothy Gardner, MD, past president of the American Heart Association.... (External Website)

Walking For Fitness and Exercise

Brisk walking is a form of aerobic exercise. This is exercise that increases your heart rate for an extended time. Aerobic exercise helps strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles. A strong heart carries more blood, along with oxygen and nutrients, to the rest of the body. Aerobic exercise also lowers blood pressure and can help you stay at a healthy weight. Walking and other aerobic exercise also can improve your mood and energy. Regular exercise helps prevent and reduce symptoms of depression. It helps reduce symptoms of anxiety in children and teens.... More