Distance Calorie Calculators

Use this calculator to show how many calories you are burning on your walk, depending on your weight, distance and pace.
If you know how many minutes you have walked, but not the distance, this calculator can estimate your distance and calories burned.
These calculator scripts were written by Wendy Bumgardner and Will Glessner. The calculator of calories burned per mile is based on MET research - metabolic equivalents of various activities.

Walking Calculator

Swimming Calculator

Distance Calorie Calculators

Use this calculator to show how many calories you are burning on your walk, depending on your weight, distance and pace.
If you know how many minutes you have walked, but not the distance, this calculator can estimate your distance and calories burned.
These calculator scripts were written by Wendy Bumgardner and Will Glessner. The calculator of calories burned per mile is based on MET research - metabolic equivalents of various activities.

Walking Video

The perfect walking workout is like an upside-down letter "U." You start slowly, rise up, then drop down to finish. That assures a built-in warm-up and cool-down in every walk.

Training Video

The perfect walking workout is like an upside-down letter "U." You start slowly, rise up, then drop down to finish. That assures a built-in warm-up and cool-down in every walk.

Dog Walk Video

The perfect walking workout is like an upside-down letter "U." You start slowly, rise up, then drop down to finish. That assures a built-in warm-up and cool-down in every walk.